Paragliding gear for sale.
Free shipping and no sales tax outside Hawaii.
It is critical that you pick the right equipment, give us a call. We sell all brands. Some items over 50% Off. Visa, MasterCard accepted.
Free test flights.
You'll get independent information on the best gear for you based on more than 30 years in the industry. We do not push any particular brand like many other schools.
Here are some really good deals. Call us if you have any questions.
808 315 6213

It is critical that you pick the right equipment, give us a call. We sell all brands. Some items over 50% Off. Visa, MasterCard accepted.
Free test flights.
You'll get independent information on the best gear for you based on more than 30 years in the industry. We do not push any particular brand like many other schools.
Here are some really good deals. Call us if you have any questions.
808 315 6213